Why is the site dead/so horribly slow?

As mentioned previously we’d kind of left the site to rot, and with that meant that we, err, didn’t pay our hosting fees either (not wanting to name any names .. *CoughCraigCough*). Anyway, not unsurprisingly the hosting company didn’t feel like keeping the site up for free, and so they turned it off.

However .. the database is bizarrely still alive. So, in a moment of madness (or compassion, not sure which), I dropped the site onto a new ISP, based in Australia (where I am now) but connecting to the old database, which is somewhere in the UK. Long and short of which means … it’s alive, but runs slower than my grandfather.

Current reconstructive surgery will see everything back in a common hosting centre (in Texas this time .. my aren’t we cosmopolitan!), which should mean speed goes back to normal. At this stage phase 1 (back alive) should be this week all being well. Then follows a bunch of UI and feature updates, but they’ll probably be phased rather than a big bang relaunch (hey, those were so year 2000!).

All very exciting.


[edit: just realised that if you’ve find this via The Google or similar you might have no idea what site I’m talking about: http://www.thursdayclub.com]

3 Responses to “Why is the site dead/so horribly slow?”

  1. 1 thursdayclub December 6, 2006 at 1:33 pm

    hey hey hey!!

    I tried paying the bill but I couldn’t get hold of anyone at the hosting company to pay!! I will not be held responsible for the demise of the previous site!! πŸ™‚


  2. 2 thursdayclub December 6, 2006 at 9:32 pm

    Haha – ok, let’s all just blame it on Steve πŸ˜‰

  3. 3 thursdayclub December 12, 2006 at 10:42 pm

    haha!! Yeah ok – he will never find this comment in the blog anyway.


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